regulation of the Internet is an exercise
in futility, says US guru
3 June, 1999
Federal Government's attempt to regulate
Internet content was "futile" with
centralised control of the Net unlikely to
work, according to a visiting United
States Internet guru.
Hal Varian, who is the Dean of the School
of Information Management Systems at the
University of California (Berkley), told
the National Press Club yesterday that it
was hard to manage rapidly changing
Internet technology.
"I think
there is certainly a component of futility
because information is very hard to manage
and can slip through the smallest crack,"
Professor Varian said.
He said
that there was a dual problem of either
having too much or too little access to
the Internet.
He cited
content filtering technologies for
schools, which filtered out discussions on
breast cancer, as an example of how
attempts to block content might result in
restricting access to important
problem is always going to be how much of
a judgment do you have to rely on and how
much is it going to cost to work around
the existing system," Professor Varian
Federal Government's legislation to
regulate Internet content was passed by
the Senate last week, with the support of
Independent Senator Brian Harradine, amid
concern by the information technology
industry that the rules would be
ineffective and a burden on Internet
service providers.
Government's regulation system would
involve a complaints-based mechanism to
the Australian Broadcasting Authority and
industry self-regulation.
Varian said that the role of government
should be to establish legal standards,
such as legislation on digital signatures,
to facilitate the take-up of information
technology and not to try and control
technology standards.
Centralised regulation, like
standards for movies or television, would
not work with the Internet.
"I think
what you want to do is to avoid a
one-size-fits-all model and look for a
more flexible means of labelling that can
allow people to choose the kind of copy
management that fits their needs,"
Professor Varian said.
"It is
quite possible to have a variety of
labelling authorities that say we're in
the business of rating content. And then
you, the user, can choose whatever
authority is useful for your
Varian, who recently co-wrote Information
Rules: A Strategic Guide to the Network
Economy, said that while the information
age involved new technology, the economic
models used to understand it were already
"Our view
about the new economy is not new. Perhaps
more accurately the economy is new, the
technology is new, but the economics you
need to understand it is something that
we've known for some time," he
"We argue
you should seek models, not trends, and
develop concepts, not buzz words. And
create analysis not analogies because it
is the models, concepts and analysis you
need to gain true insight."